Dramaturgy as wind howls

So having met for our last planning session at Paddington station where the chilly north wind gets to even the cosiest corners, Osnat and I moved New Year operations to the Royal Festival Hall, where we were joined by dramaturg Annie Siddons and designer Emma Wee.Having settled ourselves on the top floor, we talked through the structure of Momo, interrupted from time to time by the sounds of a gale whipping round the rafters. If you haven't been in the Festival Hall when the wind is high, I recommend it. The sound is incredible - it acoustically fills the stairways and seems to be moving downwards from the roof -  it is such a powerful noise that it makes you want to put your coat on and button up. Obviously seasoned patrons are used to this elemental sonic backdrop, but it takes some adjusting to...To this mood music, we planned the Mediterranean partying of the townsfolk and the casting shadow of the men in grey. A wonderful day.