An afternoon at Hillcross Primary School

On Monday 3rd February, I spent an excellent couple of hours in the company of Soo Bishop from Merton Music Foundation and the the Young Song Leaders of Hillcross Primary School. About 18 children from years 5 and 6 are taking part in the Young Song Leaders programme where the children are encouraged to explore and improve their vocal and musical knowledge and are also taught techniques for teaching songs to other year groups, particularly younger children. Soo encouraged the children with simple but effective exercises for warming up vocally, keeping up cannons, keeping time and of course how to keep things running smoothly. The stare of shame is not to be underestimated when delivered by a 9 year old! Having warmed up, the children then began to learn the songs especially written by Osnat for them. Hillcross Young Song Leaders will be one of the many young choirs who will be taking part in a performance at Polka Theatre this coming March. They sang beautifully, learnt some simple movement to accompany their songs and were very excited by the prospect of having a workshop with the cast of the show on the day they come to watch and take part in Momo. I left inspired by their commitment to learning new techniques and their excitement at taking part in this programme. They have already begun teaching exercises to other school children, and hopefully before long they will be spreading the music of Momo around the school!